Human Resources : Unprecedented times

With the unprecedented outbreak , Businesses have united in ways that no one would have predicted just a few months ago. “The civil responsibility and common purpose this crisis has brought to our lives is unprecedented,” said global CHRO of a consumer goods company. Competitors have become collaborators as people come together to solve a truly global challenge. “The scientific community has all come together,” explained an HR executive. “There is no room for competition, [we are all] trying to find a solution, either therapy or vaccine.”

We are also observing how HR leaders are connecting with each other to solve the challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. During these times of uncertainty, business leaders across industries have been eager to share their experiences and learn from each other in both the HR function and in other roles. “I think it is crucial for HR Leaders to have  solid external network of colleagues who are living the same experience.

Communication Is Critical at this point .HR leaders, working with the corporate communications team and C-suite, must determine the tone, frequency, and platforms to reach both a remote workforce and frontline employees who are working often in dangerous circumstances. In this environment of uncertainty, many companies are finding that more informal messages resonate more. Companies are also using different channels to communicate than they normally would, with WhatsApp, WeChat, Zoom, Microsoft Teams  and others becoming a primary way to keep in touch with employees across time zones and workspaces. Companies are announcing daily and weekly work plans immediately through  chat and are also setting  up a platform about how to relieve stress, explaining how we HR can support and help employees.

It is also helpful to have communications within the organization that are more light-hearted and allow for a bit of escape from reality. One way of handling is that all internal communications should run through the Yammer App and HR  organize online happy hours, games, and celebrations to keep employees connected.